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Healthy Choices

Here in this WebMenu, there will be Pages on how to choose Good Foods for our Families.

There is so much False Information about Foods that are 'Healthy' and Fake Foods out there in the Supermarkets etc

Even by Dietitians and Nutrition Education promoted by Governments

because certain Manufacturers have Lobbyists to Sway Decisions being made and get themselves Favor -

believe it or not - that of-course, does Not Help us in our Quest for Health and Family Health.

This is also one of the Major reasons why People keep filling the Medical Waiting Rooms,

but our Governments keep getting Huge Revenue from those Manufacturers!

There is another Concern about FAKE PRODUCTS in Recent Times.

Having spent many years in Independent Natural Health Research, I can let you know what IS HEALTHY and what IS NOT

because I'm not bought by any Company to give Misleading Information.

How does that sound to you? Good?

I will start with a page on OIL  SALT  HONEY and FLOUR.

Click HERE or in drop down Webmenu


Judging Real and Fake Olive Oils HERE
Judging Real and Fake Avocado Oils  HERE
Good/Bad Salt and Garlic  HERE






















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